How RECO Hoist Hire & Sales became one of the UK's most extensive hoist service
The development of new vertical transportation and our hoist rental services
Though relatively new to the hoist rental market in the United Kingdom, the history of RECO goes back to the 1950’s. RECO started in the Netherlands in 1953 and has ever since been well known for its equipment rental service for accommodation, scaffolding, hoists, generators and tools. In 2015 RECO Hoist was founded to supply hoists to the UK high-rise construction market. Since then we’ve grown to a renowned hoist company, consisting of 60 specialists and over 250 construction hoists and lifts. We’ve achieved milestones in daring projects which are even unique to the hoist rental market. Achievements such as erecting our hoists up to 240 metres and providing access to otherwise inaccessible working floors with our RECO Common Tower.
1953: RECO is founded
Jaap Reigwein starts RECO from The Hague in the Netherlands. Back in the 50’s and 60’s RECO mainly bought and sold used construction equipment and scaffolding between the Dutch and UK markets. The differences in prices and regulations allowed RECO to buy materials that didn’t satisfy the standards of one market and sell them at lower prices to the other.

1982: RECO starts own construction hoist rental division
In the early eighties Rob Reigwein, the second generation in the family business and son of Jaap Reigwein, took over the company of his father. After taking over a bankrupt construction company in 1982, RECO owned a large amount of scaffolding and construction hoists. Rob decided not to sell the equipment but to rent it out at competative rates and provide technical services. This decision made RECO the first company in the Netherlands to both rent out construction materials and offer its clients services such as project planning and equipment installation.

2006: RECO Lift Solutions is founded
After a request for a passenger hoist to transfer the residents of an apartment building, RECO decided to invest in a new lift division: temporary passenger lifts. To rent out the new lifts, Rob Reigwein founded RECO’s first daughter company ‘RECO Lift Solutions’.

2012: First RECO passenger lifts in the UK at the Olympic Games in London
During the Olympic Games in London, a temporary tribune required a passenger lift. This would enable spectators with a disability to view the games from the top of the tribune instead of the bottom. RECO Lift Solutions provided two small lifts which offered enough capacity for 12 passengers each. RECO’s first vertical transportation job in the UK was a fact.

2015: RECO Hoist Hire & Sales is founded
Due to the demand for high-rise construction in the UK, RECO Hoist Hire & Sales is founded. To start up the rental activities, RECO purchased a large hoist rental fleet from HTC Plant. HTC had decided to further focus on cranes and sell its hoist division. A group of hoist specialists were recruited and our first assignments started coming in.

2016: First Common Tower is constructed at the Chelsea Waterfront in London
In 2016 RECO Hoist Hire & Sales delivered its first Common Tower project at the prestigious ‘Chelsea Waterfront’. We were approached by Ardmore Construction to offer a vertical transportation solution for both materials and personnel to all 37 floors. We provided a RECO Common Tower with a 5x5 metre platform allowing vertical transport by means of three Alimak FC32 passenger hoists. This combination allowed maximum transportation productivity whilst allowing the external façade to be completed all but a 3 metre wide zip to retain egress and access to the building floors.

2017: New Company record by erecting a hoist to a height of 200 meters at Owen Street
In 2016, Renaker started a new project at Owen Street that would change the Manchester skyline forever: 4 high-rise towers, 1,500 apartments in total. Tower A, the largest of the 4 towers, stands over 200 metres high. RECO Hoist Hire & Sales provided 4 twin and 4 single Alimak Scando 650 Passenger Hoists, spread over a 4-year contract. We are very proud to have supplied these hoists of heights in excess of 200 metres which marked a new personal record for our hoist company.

2017: Her Majesty the Queen steps into a RECO passenger lift
In December 2017 her Majesty the Queen commissioned a brand new aircraft carrier, The HMS Queen Elizabeth. Thanks to the cooperation between RECO Hoist Hire & Sales and RECO Lift Solutions, we were able to provide a fitting passenger lift to transport the Queen on board. For us, taking part in such a special event, is a mayor recognition for the safety of our products.

2018: RECO Hoist Hire & Sales secures Common Tower on Europe’s tallest residential building
RECO Hoist Hire & Sales stamped their position within the Common Tower market after being contracted to supply their own directly manufactured Common Tower marking a new company record in height. In the heart of Canary Wharf London, the Landmark Pinnacle is set to be Europe’s tallest residential building at 75 storeys, 239 metres high. RECO Hoist Hire & Sales was to ensure continuity in climbing a Common Tower in line with the buildings construction process. The combination between hoists and Common Tower proved a real success on this project.

2018: RECO Hoist Hire introduces brand new Loading Dock Access System
At Southbank Place, the RECO Loading Docks are supplied for the first time. Due to the uneven floor and lack of storage space, the docks offered a great solution to optimise not only the safe transportation of goods but also contributed an excellent storage facility of materials whilst awaiting vertical transportation in the hoists. These docks were installed to the same height as a conventional lorry bed to form a level surface for loading and unloading between the transport and hoist.

2019: RECO rents out first Common Tower in the Netherlands
RECO rents out the first Common Tower in the Netherlands to Strukton Worksphere for the construction of the new RIVM headquarters (National Institute for Health and Environment). The tower is 70 metres high and supports three construction hoists. We are confident that this will be the first of many common tower installations in the Netherlands once customers experience the true benefits of this solution.

2019: Starting point industrial sales ABP
In 2019, we installed two high-spec semi-permanent hoists for Associated British Ports (ABP). This installation allowed operatives access to the top of two grain silos at the Humber International Terminal at Immingham Dock. We provided a turnkey service for ABP by erecting two GEDA SH2000 industrial elevators up to 50 metres within a tight timeframe. Due to the semi-permanent installation, we’ve sold the hoists to ABP. The success of this project marked the start of our new industrial elevator division, offering bespoke semi-permanent service lifts for goods and personnel.

2020: RECO Hoist Hire invests in new website
To help contractors selecting and hiring the best construction hoists for their projects, RECO Hoist Hire & Sales launches a brand new website. The new websites offers a large amount of information on hoists, services and projects as case examples.
Discover our construction hoists!